24. ISSS Berner Tagung „Künstliche Intelligenz – Chancen & Risiken“

24. ISSS Berner Tagung „Künstliche Intelligenz – Chancen & Risiken“

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Rückblick 24. ISSS Berner Tagung

Am 23. November 2021 fand die 24. ISSS Berner Tagung zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz – Chancen & Risiken“ mit 100 Teilnehmenden im Hotel Bellevue Palace in Bern statt. statt. Fachexperten aus verschiedenen Bereichen haben anlässlich von ihren Referaten die Frage vertieft und versucht, Antworten, Vorstellungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen.

Einige der Referate sind öffentlich, diese finden Sie beim jeweiligen Referenten. Für ISSS-Mitglieder stehen die Referate im Memberbereich zur Ansicht bereit.

ISSS bedankt sich bei allen Teilnehmenden, Referenten sowie den Sponsoren für die interessante und spannende Tagung.



Raphaël Marichez, CISO SEUR, Palo Alto Networks

Raphaël Marichez previously occupied cybersecurity and operational responsibilities in the French Government for 10 years. Mostly, as the global Chief information security officer for the French Ministry of Interior, and as the head of the agency within the Prime Minister services, in charge of deploying and operating the federal communication network for all the ministries over the French territory mainland and overseas. He joined Palo Alto Networks as regional CSO in 2020 to fasten the cybersecurity adoption by large companies and public organisations in Southern Europe, strengthening their information systems efficiency, effectiveness and liability, by combining Palo Alto Networks expertise and CISOs/CIOs/CFOs leadership.

Abstract seines Referates


New paradigms in cybersecurity from AI rising between attaquant and defender: we will present the new threat landscape at the European level, future regulations, and also the expected benefits and development areas for the cybersecurity practitioner.

Pascal Hulalka: Telecommunication Engineer, eMBA Leadership & Management, CTO then Solution Director at Protectas SA

Expert at the Swiss and European level in the field of intrusion and fire alarm transmission. A rich experience of almost 20 years in the field of security (video analyses, project management, alarm transmission) and particularly the implementation of digital transformation in the security industry during the last 5 years.

Abstract seines Referates (Referat in Deutsch)

Selected speaking topic with a few bullet points

    • The digital transformation and the game-changing impact of digitalization to the security market
    • Dreams vs. reality with new Technologies and AI in our market
    • My vision of the trends impacting the security model (Outlook for the upcoming years)

The aim of this presentation is to raise awareness among security managers and companies about the impact of digitalization and artificial intelligence on the security market. Between myth and reality, where are we today and what can we expect in the near future?

Christian Holz, assistant professor in Computer Science at ETH Zürich

Christian Holz is an assistant professor in Computer Science at ETH Zürich, where he leads the Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab. His research focuses on interactive technologies, particularly in the space of Mixed Reality, mobile computing, and usable security. A second theme of the lab’s projects is on wearable and continuous healthcare monitoring for predictive diagnostics. Christian’s background is in software engineering and human-computer interaction, which he combines with hardware engineering, machine learning, and experimental methods to execute projects end-to-end, from inception and implementation to field deployments for validation under ecologically valid conditions. Before joining ETH, Christian was a research scientist at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington and before that at Yahoo Research, California. Christian Holz’s work has received a distinguished paper award as well as several best-paper awards and honorable mention awards at the premier venues in Human-Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing and has been featured in top media venues, such as MIT Technology Review and the New Scientist. Technology Review named Christian Holz one of the ten best innovators under 35 in 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science as well as a master’s and bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, the highest-ranked Computer Science department in Germany.


Abstract seines Referates (Referat in Deutsch)

In this talk, I present a new perspective on user authentication on touch devices. Instead of explicit logins that precede all device use, I propose authenticating users each and every time they interact with the device, thereby integrating authentication seamlessly into regular interaction. I present a series of prototype systems for mobile authentication that capture biometric features to make this process convenient for users. My prototypes either use built-in biometric sensors or appropriate the touchscreen as an image sensor, bringing biometric authentication to the vast majority of commodity mobile devices. Finally, I take this approach to the level of individual interactions and show prototypes that recognize users from each touch event. One solution is to sense the user’s fingerprint directly upon touch. To accomplish this on today’s touchscreens, I demonstrate a wearable prototype that senses biometric features and modulates them onto the user’s skin. This enables touchscreens to capture these biometric features as part of sensing regular touch input. As a result, authentication is transparent to the user and secure throughout interacting. I conclude by discussing the implications of this approach on existing operating systems and their user interfaces. I will also demonstrate the implications of this cross-device authentication approach for today’s authentication mechanisms in web-based environments. More info: https://siplab.org/ 


Annette Heck, Die Schweizerische Post AG

Abstract ihres Referates:

Automatisierung und künstliche Intelligenz nehmen immer mehr Raum im Alltag ein – auch bei der Schweizerischen Post. Am Beispiel des selbstfahrenden Postautos werden die Chancen und Risiken aufgezeigt. Welche Hürden sind noch zu meistern?

Dr. Marc Ph. Stoecklin, Department Head Security, IBM Research Europe – Zurich

Marc Ph. Stoecklin is a Principal Research Scientist and head of the Security Research department at IBM Research Europe in Zurich. He leads IBM’s research activities on applying artificial intelligence (AI) to cyber security and threat management in hybrid cloud and enterprise settings. Marc has a proven track record in inventing innovative security solutions and transferring them into new IBM products and services.  His interests and research activities include advanced threat detection, cyber reasoning, recommendations for security teams, active defense, security analytics, and data visualization.  Marc holds a PhD and MSc degree in Computer, Communication and Information sciences from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.

Abstracts seines Referates

Over the last few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies made great strides in precision and performance. AI has the ability to handle large volumes of data and help humans to analyze it and derive insights. Not surprisingly, the use of AI in cyber defense is packed with loads of promises and expectations: detection of new threats, automated reasoning over incidents, precise recommendation of responses, or proactive threat hunting.  Concurrently, we are also witnessing cases in which bad actors were also leveraging AI for malicious purposes.  For which tasks can defenders leverage AI technologies to counter cyber threats?  Where are the limitations and risks?  I will show and discuss several examples and considerations for adopting AI-powered paradigms in threat management and hunting.

RA lic. Iur. Nicole Beranek Zanon, Exec. MBA, CIPP/E, Lead Auditorin ISO 27001, Partnerin HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte AG, Zug

As a partner at HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte AG, Zug, she focuses on data protection and IT security. In addition to her work as a lawyer, she is a member of the GLA of the Research Centre for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen and a lecturer at the FHNW and University of St. Gallen (CAS DPO).

Abstract ihres Referates (Referat in Deutsch)

Selected speaking topic with a few bullet points

    • Legal Risks
    • Need for regulation?
    • Draft Legal Framework of AI in the EU
    • Critisim

The aim of this presentation is to raise awareness that there are limits in using AI and that the upcoming regulation needs to be considered already today.

Mathias Bücherl, Chief Technology Officer bei der Axians Cyber Security

Mathias Bücherl verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Managed Cyber Defense und Security Operation. In seiner Rolle leitet er die Bereiche Consulting, Product Management und Delivery und verantwortet das  IT/OT SOCs der Axians in Basel.

Zuvor war Mathias Bücherl sieben Jahre für die T-Systems International GmbH in München und Singapur im Bereich Cyber Security beschäftigt. Er war führend beim Aufbau des International Business & Portfolios in EMEA, APAC und Americas tätig.

Sein Verantwortungsbereich reichte von Design, Implementierung und Verbesserung von globalen Consulting & Delivery Prozessen, Beratung von Kunden auf C-Level bis zum Lead beim Aufbau des SOCs in Singapur und Mexico-City.
Neben seinem beruflichen Engagement ist Mathias Bücherl als Dozent an der Hochschule Luzern und DHBW Stuttgart im Fachbereich Cyber Security tätig.

Abstract seines Referates:

Jeder Geschäftsprozess ist mittlerweile von IT abhängig. Dadurch vergrössert sich auch die Angriffsfläche von Unternehmen und Behörden. Aus diesem Grund wurde in den letzten Jahren stark in den Bereich Prävention investiert. Cyber Angriffe können jedoch nicht immer verhindert werden, aus diesem Grund ist es enorm wichtig Vorfälle möglichst schnell zu erkennen. Ein Security Operation Center (SOC) bietet hier einen ganzheitlichen Cyber Security Ansatz mit Hilfe von Location, Tools, Prozessen und Personal. Diese Elemente arbeiten in einem SOC eng zusammen und ermöglichen so eine schnelle Detektion von Cyber Vorfällen und Reaktion darauf. Bietet KI hier einen Mehrwert? Wenn ja, wo und wie?

Präsentation zum Download: ISSS_Axians-SOC-KI_191121

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