Since 2013 the Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) has been granting the ISSS Excellence Award. During these years, several high-quality theses were submitted, and several students could be awarded for their Bachelor, Master or PhD theses conducted at different Swiss academic institutions. Due to the success, the ISSS will grant an ISSS Excellence Award in 2025, too.
Information security is both a hot and important topic in our information-based society and very popular among many students in our higher education institutions. The ISSS is proud to offer the ISSS Excellence Award as a platform for recognizing the best student theses in this field, and to motivate young researchers and students to invest their talent and dedication in innovative contributions to information security. The ISSS Excellence Award attribution will be executed during the ISSS Berner Tagung, which will take place in January 2026.
About the ISSS Excellence Award
The ISSS is dedicated to promoting knowledge among young academics in information security. It confers its Excellence Award to authors of excellent theses in ICT and Internet security.
Type of excellent work considered
The Award recognizes outstanding bachelor, master, or doctoral theses, completed at a Swiss university, ETH Zurich, EPFL, another institute of the ETH Board or at a Swiss university of applied sciences.
Either advisors responsible for supervision and assessment within the above-mentioned institutions nominate theses, or authors nominate their works (self-nomination). Deadline for nominations is August 31, 2025. Nomination is open to theses completed between August 1, 2024, and July 31, 2025. Only theses by authors who have not yet reached their 35th birthday by the nomination deadline may be considered. Nominated theses must be accessible to the public. Nominations must be made electronically to with the nomination form.
The form should be scanned and sent to together with the PDF of the work. If the attached PDF is too large, upload it to a cloud storage service and provide the link to download the PDF. The submitted work must be in English, French, German or Italian.
The Jury is composed of six recognized experts in ICT and Internet security. The Jury may refrain from awarding the prize if it considers that none of the theses submitted meet the requirements.
- Lektor Angelo Consoli, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), Manno
- Prof. Dr. Christian Grothoff, Berner Fachhochschule (BFH), Biel
- Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard, Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Winterthur
- Shivaji Shinde Shweta, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich
- Prof. Dr. Serge Vaudenay, École Polytechnique Fédérale (EPF), Lausanne
A maximum of 2 prizes will be awarded, with a total maximum amount of CHF 8,000. The jury specifies the amounts to be awarded for the prizes. If more than one author is involved in a thesis, the award shall be shared equally among them.
Further Information
Please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Christian Thiel ( or