Der Award, mit dem erstklassige Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeiten zur IT- und Informationssicherheit ausgezeichnet werden, wurde im Rahmen des ISSS Security Talk «One E-Citizen, one E-Vote» von Prof. Rolf Haenni, Berner Fachhochschule, am 27. November 2019 in Zürich überreicht. Die ISSS lud speziell auch die Studierenden mit Interesse an Informationssicherheit ein.
Wir danken ganz herzlich der ISSS Excellence Award Jury für Ihre Arbeit:
- Prof. em. Dr. Bernhard Plattner, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Vorsitz
- Prof. Dr. Endre Bangerter, Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) Biel
- Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
- Lektor Angelo Consoli, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) Manno
- Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard, Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) Winterthur
- Prof. Dr. Serge Vaudenay, École Polytechnique Fédérale (EPF) Lausanne
Dieses Jahr teilen sich eine Doktor- und eine Bachelorarbeit den Award.
Die eine Auszeichnung, dotiert mit CHF 4’000, geht an eine Doktorarbeit, die an der ETH Zürich eingereicht wurde. Originalton der Jury:
Idealizations of Practical Cryptographic Building Blocks, by Christian Badertscher
In his thesis, the award winner applies the paradigm of constructive cryptography, which was proposed in 2011 by his supervisor Ueli Maurer, to a number of practically relevant cryptographic problems, thereby engaging in the decade-old quest towards achieving provable security. The problems addressed are indeed of relevance in our current and future digital lives: (1) secure communication based on symmetric primitives, (2) secure outsourced (cloud) storage, (3) digital signatures and, last but not least, (4) blockchain technology. For each of these problems, Badertscher develops concise security statements that are valid in any possible context, demonstrating the power of the above-mentioned methodology. The thesis is very well written, and its associated publications already have a significant impact in the research community.
Die andere Auszeichnung, ebenfalls dotiert mit CHF 4’000, geht an ein Bachelorarbeit, die an der Berner Fachhochschule entstanden ist. Auch hier der Originalton der Jury:
Design and Implementation of a Digital Access Control Protocol, by Gian-Luca Frei and Fedor Gamper
In their thesis, the award winners present a novel approach for a well-known problem: Secure digital access to physical resources, such as cars or IoT devices. In the design of their novel protocol they use a public key recovery technique which drastically decreases the message size for exchanging certificates, which is especially of importance with low capacity transmission links, yielding a smaller transmission delay. Their approach was implemented as a prototype comprising (1) a web-based authorization application for secure user registration and the management of certificates, permissions and delegations, (2) a user application running on a smartphone, and (3) an application managing the controlled resource. The thesis, which also contains a performance and a security analysis, is very well written and a pleasure to read.