



Most cyber attacks exploit known vulnerabilities that could have been mitigated by the regular application of security patches or software updates.  What are the best practices for identifying vulnerabilities, prioritizing and managing them as effectively as possible? ...

SIGS Cyber Security Wine Testing

Orange Cyberspace Hardturmstrasse 161, Zürich

René Mauchle, one of the SIGS participants, loves wines - and you? Therefore we asked René if he would be willing to share his knowledge with us. ...

Investigation numérique et intelligence artificielle : quelles complémentarités ?

Campus HE- ARC Espace de l'Europe, Neuchatel

Cet événement en organisé en collaboration avec l'Association francophone des spécialistes de l'investigation numérique (AFSIN) et l'Institut de Lutte contre la criminalité économique (ILCE). Il aura lieu sur le Campus de la Haute Ecole Arc à Neuchâtel. ...

Redguart Open Training: Cyber Incident: Diskussion mit Betroffenem und Experten


Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand von unserem Kunden, wie ein Cyber-Vorfall in seinem Unternehmen ablief und wie daraus abgeleitet werden kann, wie man sich auf einen Incident vorbereitet. Das Training bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu diskutieren, was auf Sie zukommen könnte – nicht nur technisch, sondern auch administrativ. ...

Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure in Norway and Switzerland – Experiences, Insights and Perspectives From Science and Policy.

Digital Society Initiative (University of Zurich Rämistrasse 69, Zürich

Sokratis K. Katsikas is the Director of the Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors and Professor with the Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research activity has resulted in more than 300 published books; book chapters; journal papers; and papers in conference proceedings. He has led or parti ...

6th Securosys User & Developer Conference

Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel Turbinenstrasse 20, Zürich

Members of the ISSS can benefit from a 50% discount . Join us in Zurich or online and get ready to be inspired by a lineup of esteemed speakers who are all set to share their valuable expertise with our audience. From diving into the latest product features to uncovering best practices, this event offers a pathway to keep up with the innovative trends that are shaping our industry's landscape. ...

Beer-Talk: Manipulieren von LLMs – Wie man ChatGPT verwirrt

KI ist in aller Munde: ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. Assistenten, die in jeder Lebenslage Aufgaben für den Benutzer erledigen können, treten mehr in unser Leben. Was kann jedoch passieren, wenn Hacker diese Assistenten manipulieren? ...

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